Die Wiener Volkshochschulen gGmbH
Lustkandlgasse 50
1090 Austria
Website: www.vhs.at
VHS Wien - education for everybody
VHS Wien has more than 100 years of history and has made it possible for millions of people to work on their skills and most of all to break social barriers. VHS Wien provides the basis for further education for people with different qualifications by its huge range of courses and its democratic approach to education.
During the last 125 years VHS Wien developed into the biggest organisation for adult education in the German speaking countries.
VHS Wien offers about 20 000 courses every year. Around 140 000 people register for VHS Wien courses. The biggest segments of courses are languages and health.
VHS Wien is also the largest provider for second chance education in Vienna. Preparation courses for lower secondary school leaving certificates, for Matura (A –Levels) and Studienberechtigungsprüfung (university entrance examination) and Berufsreifeprüfung (vocation based university entrance examination) are offered. In addition to general courses there are vocationally oriented courses for economy and personality development, pre-school teachers, after-school care assistants and many more.
VHS Wien is involved in different educational activities regarding refugees. It is part of the "Start Wien" strategy of the City of Vienna. The range of activities begins with German language courses, Information modules for refugees to the systematic evaluation of educational pathways, school certificates, professional knowledge of refugees.