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 MobileBE Project
Latest events
25 October 2020

Our 16 pilot projects - briefly presented

Read here short presentations of our 16 pilot projects - basic education offers tailor-made for…
26 August 2020

Multiplier Event Online - for Germany and Austria

A multiplier event for MobileBE will be held - in German language - on 26 August 2020. This is an…
15 July 2020

See our European picture book

A spin-off product of the MobileBE project is a picture book with a collection of artist's…
Pilot courses in video
MobileBE Videos Stills ItalyGroup4 1

Torino (Italy)

Being able to actively participate in society Basic education to get ready for…
Miguel is a retired wine grower. Now he learns using a tablet computer.

Cariñena (Spain)

Mobile phones, computers, tablets You are never too old to learn Cariñena is a…
Assitant nurses discuss problems of work process documenation

Göttingen (Germany)

Care for others – and yourself A basic education course for assistant nurses In…
Farmer Karl sitting on a hay heap in his rural environment

Mellendorf (Germany)

Farmer Karl Literacy training for adults on the countryside In Mellendorf, a…
A group of local residents visits a Viennese neighbourhood, with a course participant as their tour guide

Vienna (Austria)

Show me your neighbourhood Developing basic skills through being a tour guide…
MobileBE Videos Stills Bulgaria 1

Lovech (Bulgaria)

Education for everyone Computer training in rural Bulgaria In the village of…
Classroom with course participants in Västeras, Sweden

Västeras (Sweden)

I want to study for a nurseMotivational course for further studies, with focus…
Galina Lang, the German-Bulgarian teacher, speaks about the educational needs of her course participants

Hannover (Germany)

Welcome to Hannover Language Training as a Vehicle for Literacy About 6000…
Related Projects

6th Coordination Meeting - Italy

The 6th coordination meeting of the MobileBE project took place in Turin (Italy) on 28-31 January 2020.

Topics included:

Staff Training in May 2020

  • Report on things done so far
  • Clarifying responsibilities (teams „Organisation“ and „Pedagogics“)
  • Discussion of the draft programme for the 3 days training
  • Participants - open questions?
  • Financing the staff training
  • Calculation of costs
  • Technicalities of financing
  • Dissemination - Achievements so far, and where to go - Compare our achievements to the dissemination plan

IO1 - Collection of good practice (e-book)

  • Presentation of the book
  • Coordination of last to-dos

IO2 - Video documentaries

  • Presentation of more videos

IO3 - Documentation of our pilots (e-book)

  • Report on state of the work: reports received, reports missing
  • Coordination of next steps, especially translation

Multiplier events (anywhere between now and June)

  • Forms / models / ideas for the local events

002_Group_Foto_IMG_6209_byAlessandra.jpgThe group in Torino, in the venues of Casa di Carità arti e mestieri.

IMG 7218The team approach Torino prison.

An important part of the meeting was getting acquainted with the work of Consorzio O.P.E.N. and Casa die Carità arti e mestieri, the Italian partners of the project. One of their pilot projects for MobileBE took was implemented in Torino's prison, and we were invited to visit the prison, and to discuss with teachers, prison staff, and the course participants (prisoners).

  001 Reviewing Illustrations IMG 6210 byAlessandraInspection of illustrations made for one of the books we were preparing.

007 Reviewing Illustration IMG 6214 byAlessandraRevies of illustrations created initially for illustrating the book of good practice. But as we found them worth for better use, we decided to also edit a picture book for adult education purposes with them.

Drawing from the picture book: people learning to ride a bike.Drawing from the picture book: people learning to ride a bike.

One of the illustrations: people learning to ride a bike, and also to use German language in specific situations of everyday life.

In the MobileBE team meeing we let participants match pictures and course titles from the book of good practice.

IMG 7258

IMG 7255Review of the first cuts of the video documentaries.



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