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 MobileBE Project
Latest events
25 October 2020

Our 16 pilot projects - briefly presented

Read here short presentations of our 16 pilot projects - basic education offers tailor-made for…
26 August 2020

Multiplier Event Online - for Germany and Austria

A multiplier event for MobileBE will be held - in German language - on 26 August 2020. This is an…
15 July 2020

See our European picture book

A spin-off product of the MobileBE project is a picture book with a collection of artist's…
Pilot courses in video
Farmer Karl sitting on a hay heap in his rural environment

Mellendorf (Germany)

Farmer Karl Literacy training for adults on the countryside In Mellendorf, a…
Galina Lang, the German-Bulgarian teacher, speaks about the educational needs of her course participants

Hannover (Germany)

Welcome to Hannover Language Training as a Vehicle for Literacy About 6000…
MobileBE Videos Stills ItalyGroup4 1

Torino (Italy)

Being able to actively participate in society Basic education to get ready for…
Miguel is a retired wine grower. Now he learns using a tablet computer.

Cariñena (Spain)

Mobile phones, computers, tablets You are never too old to learn Cariñena is a…
A group of local residents visits a Viennese neighbourhood, with a course participant as their tour guide

Vienna (Austria)

Show me your neighbourhood Developing basic skills through being a tour guide…
Assitant nurses discuss problems of work process documenation

Göttingen (Germany)

Care for others – and yourself A basic education course for assistant nurses In…
Classroom with course participants in Västeras, Sweden

Västeras (Sweden)

I want to study for a nurseMotivational course for further studies, with focus…
MobileBE Videos Stills Bulgaria 1

Lovech (Bulgaria)

Education for everyone Computer training in rural Bulgaria In the village of…
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This glossary explains terms used in the MobileBE project, particularly in the communication between project partners during project implementation. It is published here to offer project staff a place to quickly look up words and expressions that frequently appear in our internal communication, and also in documents for the wider public.

Pilot - short for "Pilot Project". We use "Pilot" as a short word for the testing of a --> New Method. A New Method consists of 1) the custom-made learning environment itself (= how the teaching or learning is organised), 2) suitable method for recruitment of participants (= motivation of participants), 3) suitable form of initial competenence assesmment of participants 4) suitable form of validation (measurment and certification of learning progress). Pilots in Mobile BE are implemented starting from September 2018. They will continue for about one year (August 2019), with a "think and readjust" phase in-between. - Each --> Partner Organisation will develop and test (about) two pilots. - A synonym for "Pilot" would be "Test Run". 

New Method - We use this term (amongst others) to denote those "things" we actually want to develop in MobileBE: new formats to provide adults with a new opportunity for learning things like reading and writing (--> Basic Education). Instead of "New Methods" we also could say "new courses, classes, seminars, trainings, etc." but all these terms have the problem that they refer to some traditional setup, and what we want in MobileBE ideally non-typical learning environments: we want to create places in time and space that are different from traditional, existing things like courses, so that adults who cannot attend those traditional courses get a chance. - Admittedly "New Methods" is not a very good term either, because it is so unspecific. We tried other expressions such as "New Course Formats", "New Learning Offers", "New Learning environments", "New Seminar Forms", but we have not found a really satisfying term so far. - Important to understand: one of the products of MobileBE will be a documentation of these New Methods, with the idea that others then can apply them for themselves (e.g. in an adult education center). - The New Methods will be tested in --> Pilots which will last from September 2018 to August 2019. 

Basic Education - Starting from a simplistic idea of "reading, writing, simple maths, and using a computer", we define Basic Education as a set of (intellectual) abilities necessary to adequatly participate in society. This would include being able to read, understand and write texts [in the lingua franca of the environment] as they appear in everyday life and at the workplace; do basic calculation (again as necessary in everyday life and at the workplace); use a computer as a tool to solve common tasks in everyday life (e.g. look up information in the internet). We are aware that Basic Education  is not a closed concept. The skills needed "to participate adequately in society" will change over time, and they will vary with varying societies. For example we established that in Sweden, knowing English is an important part of being able to adequately participate in society, more than in other countries. Therefore, in the MobileBE project, the notion of Basic Education will be open to adjustments according to the needs of the concrete societal environment. 

Documentation of pilots - We will have to find an adequate form of documenting the → pilots in MobileBE. Documentation will be collected in a common book (pdf). Finding an adequate common form of documentation for the pilots is part of the work to be done during project implementation. Anyway the idea is to present the → new methods developed and tested to the interested (expert) public in a way suitable to help them implement these new methods for themselves. 

Project application -  the 100 pages application text submitted in March 2017 to the National Agency for Erasmus+ in Germany. This text describes the project in much detail. Especially it includes a breakdown of activities, finances, to-dos, requirements, time plans, indicators for success, dissemination requirements, etc. - By reading this application with attention, project partners could get a good grip of every activity in the project.  Unfortunately the visual format (as provided by the EU) is very impractical, making reading the application very difficult. Therefore the project coordinator has the task to provide information on to-dos, next steps, and requirements to the other members of the team. 

MobileBE Magic Pentagon - In order to quickly remind us of the core idea of MobileBE, we produced a graphical representation. It consists of a five-cornered shape (a pentagon), with the five corners: 1)  Basic Education 2) Adults 3) New methods 4) Obstacles 5) Specific new approach. The corners are related to each other to express the core idea of: Basic education for Adults who experience Obstacles to attend existing courses; we develop New methods (courses or other learning environments) with a Specific approach to answer these obstacles. - See here the Magic Pentagon.

Validation - In the project application, we used the following very brief definition: "Validation means establishing the learning achievements of an individual learner, and documenting them for later use." [P. 70, Section O3/A3]

Competence Assessment - In the project application, we used the following very brief definition: "Competence assessment means establishing skills and competencies of individual learners prior to the learning activity." [P. 70, Section O3/A3]

 Learning Offer - The term is used to refer to the actual new forms of "courses" or "seminars" or "learning environments" or "learning setups" that will be the core part of the 16 --> new methods that will be developed. Each "new method" connsists of four parts: a) method for recruiting and motivating participants b) method for competence assessment c) method for setting up a suitable learning environment (traditionally one would call this a course, but most of our "courses" will not be "courses" in that traditional sense d) method for validation of learning outcomes. - All caveats aside, yes, "learning offer" is just a "course": a place in time and space where people can do some learning, usually with some professional helping them (you can call him or her a teacher).

Partner Organisation - MobileBe is an Erasmus+ project with eight organisations officially participating in it. They are adult education organisations of different kind and size from 7 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden). These eight organisations receive funding through Erasmus+ for their activities in MobileBE. - The eight Partner Organisations form together the Project Consortium. -  Attention, however: all Partner Organisations are well-connected in their cities or region with other organisations, and occasionally they may cooperate with local partners e.g. for implementing a --> Pilot. In such situations it is important to differentiate between a local partner organisation (small letters) and the official MobileBE Partner Organisation (capital letters!)   


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