MobileBE Project |
Latest events |
25 October 2020
Read here short presentations of our 16 pilot projects - basic education offers tailor-made for…
26 August 2020
A multiplier event for MobileBE will be held - in German language - on 26 August 2020. This is an…
15 July 2020
A spin-off product of the MobileBE project is a picture book with a collection of artist's…
Pilot courses in video |
Show me your neighbourhood Developing basic skills through being a tour guide…
I want to study for a nurseMotivational course for further studies, with focus…
Mobile phones, computers, tablets You are never too old to learn Cariñena is a…
Care for others – and yourself A basic education course for assistant nurses In…
Farmer Karl Literacy training for adults on the countryside In Mellendorf, a…
Welcome to Hannover Language Training as a Vehicle for Literacy About 6000…
Being able to actively participate in society Basic education to get ready for…
Education for everyone Computer training in rural Bulgaria In the village of…
A multiplier event for MobileBE will be held - in German language - on 26 August 2020. This is an online workshop made especially for adult educators and other specialists for basic education of adults.
A spin-off product of the MobileBE project is a picture book with a collection of artist's impressions of adult education situations from 7 European countries. The book can bee used as teaching aid for all possible kinds of activities in the context of basic education.
--> See the book here
One of the 32 drawings - inspired by "mother and child" courses that we found as good practice in various forms in Germany.
(The order of organisations