Göttingen - Germany
Staying Fit and Learning to Read
Health literacy and basic skills training intertwined
This basic skills course focuses on health literacy. Participants get insight in how to lead a healthy life. General topics are: basic needs, health promotion, eating and drinking, exercise and relaxation, resting and sleeping. The course covers 20 lessons with 45 minutes per lesson and works with the coursebook Basisbildung Altenpflegehilfe (Basic Education for pre-nursing). The coursebook is written in plain language and aims at supporting writing skills for geriatric care. The training „How to keep fit“ took place in spring 2019. The course met twice a week for two lessons at the adult education centre in Göttingen.
The teaching aids used offered plenty of illustrations.
A full report on this experimental course is published in our book "New Ideas to Promote Literacy".