Cherbourg - France
Escape Games for Job Seekers
INFREP in Cherbourg offers training programmes for unemployed with low levels of literacy, to help them become fit for the labour market. Programmes are customized for each individual learner and consist of a combination of presence and distance activities with at least three sessions per week, usually for half a year. INFREP has a range of activities available to select from for the individualized programmes. An additional module has now been developed under MobileBE: „Virus Alarm!“, an educational game for teams of 4-6 participants, following the principles of „Escape Room“ scenarios. In the context of employability training, the game has multiple purposes: it motivates learners, it helps them develop social and team-working skills. It is used also for educational diagnostics and for assessment of learning progress.
The MobileBE-Team tests the Escape Game during the coordination meeting in June 2019 in Cherbourg.
Poster to present the concept of the experimental course during the team meeting in August 2018 in Swesen.