Lovech - Bulgaria
Combo Training in Poor Neighbourhoods
Literacy course for Roma parents with children in primary school
Združenie Znanie (Knowledge Association) is an NGO operating in the Loveč region in central Bulgaria, promoting education both for adults and the youth, in line with national traditions in Bulgaria and democratic values of Europe. – The experimental training described here is a course especially for women (mothers, grandmothers, etc.) of families living in Roma neighbourhood They typically are completely illiterate. If they had attended school at all, their recollections from that time is rather negative and load with fear. The course offered to them now in MobileBE was therefore set up as a mother-plus-child afternoon where teachers introduced various games and activities to promote the reading, writing and – last but not least – learning abilities of the participants. The course was tested twice, first in Gosnica, a neighbourhood of Loveč with predominantly Roma inhabitants, and a second time in the rural town of Lukovit which likewise has a predominantly Roma population.
The classroom in Gosnica on a sunny day in January 2019. Foto: Ralica Popova.
Poster created by the Bulgarian team to present the project idea during the MobileBE team meeting in Sweden in August 2018.
A full report on this experimental course is published in our book "New Ideas to Promote Literacy".